Benjamin Sanvoisin

Benjamin Sanvoisin

Benjamin is a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) in Padok. He is also our DevSecOps & Azure Cloud specialist. Security and infrastructure hold no secrets for him.

Build your infrastructure with 4 Azure fundamentals

Build your infrastructure with 4 Azure fundamentals

When building on Azure for the first time, you will encounter challenges like designing it and building the first bricks. These tips should help you tackle them.

How to custom HPA scaling for Kubernetes, with Prometheus and RabbitMQ metric?

How to custom HPA scaling for Kubernetes, with Prometheus and RabbitMQ metric?

Scaling is critical for any resilient architecture. Learn with here how to set up autoscaling rule or HPA for Kubernetes with Prometheus and RabbitMQ metric.

Service mesh architecture with Istio and Kubernetes

Service mesh architecture with Istio and Kubernetes

A service mesh like Istio offers traffic management, security, and observability and help manage huge infrastructure with more than 100 microservices.

How to set up HTTPS with Istio and Kubernetes on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

How to set up HTTPS with Istio and Kubernetes on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

When trying to set up Istio within a cloud provider like GCP, you will encounter a couple of challenges. One is setting up HTTPS with Istio and Kubernetes on GKE

Basic components: Kubernetes pods, services, deployments...

Basic components: Kubernetes pods, services, deployments...

Learn what are the essentials components of Kubernetes: pods, service, ingress, deployments, configmap, secrets, ... eveything you need to know.