Kimelyne Servais

Kimelyne Servais

Kimelyne is a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) at Padok. She works with DevOps technologies such as Terraform, Docker, Gitlab CI, Kubernetes, and AWS.

How to use the first command line interface of GitHub : GitHub CLI 1.0

How to use the first command line interface of GitHub : GitHub CLI 1.0

September 2020, Github launched its first command line interface: GitHub CLI 1.0. Learn how to manage your repositories with pull requests in this article.

ECS vs EKS : What's the difference and when to use it?

ECS vs EKS : What's the difference and when to use it?

This blog post introduces you to the advantages of AWS ECS and tells you when it is best to use it. Learn more about the benefits of Amazon ECS.

Using Terraform for EKS cluster

Using Terraform for EKS cluster

Here is a tutorial to get started with Terraform, EKS & AWS. Learn how to deploy an EKS cluster and how to use the AWS console to view all your resources.

Helm 3 and its fundamental commands

Helm 3 and its fundamental commands

Helm makes it easy to run applications inside Kubernetes. Learn the new architecture and the basic Helm 3 commands.