Baptiste Guerin

Baptiste Guerin

Baptiste is a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) at Padok. He works with a broad set of DevOps Technologies, such as Kubernetes, G-Cloud, AWS, and Gitlab CI

How to optimize your CI/CD for Monorepo Node projects with Gitlab CI?

How to optimize your CI/CD for Monorepo Node projects with Gitlab CI?

In this article, optimize your CI/CD workflows on Monorepo Node projects with GitLab CI to achieve faster development cycles and increase productivity.

Route53 and AWS EKS: external DNS

Route53 and AWS EKS: external DNS

How to automatically manage DNS records of your ingresses and services in your AWS EKS cluster using external DNS and Route53?

Install and run Docker natively on Windows 10 Home

Install and run Docker natively on Windows 10 Home

How to install Docker on Windows 10 Home natively using WSL2 and its new Hyper-V features? Discover how to run Docker on Windows 10.